Aquila | Presales Magnet


West Vancouver

  • Featured
  • Pre-Sales
  • 3-4 BED
  • House/Single Family
  • Address: 5663 Daffodil Drive, West Vancouver, BC
  • Bed: 3-4
  • Number of Unit: 36
  • Developer: Sterling Pacific Developments
  • Architect: Formwerks Architectural
  • Building Name: Aquila
Modern West Coast Homes. Classic Nature. A Remarkable New Community in West Vancouver’s Eagle Harbour Neighbourhood. Sterling Pacific Developments, Dave and Jamie Harper, are submitting this rezoning and development permit application to build a diverse mix of much needed, smaller and more affordable housing that is severely lacking in West Vancouver. This development is known as Aquila. This development will take place on the following property properties Lot C Plan VAP3355 District Lot 1374 Land District 1 Land District 36 (REF PL), EXC PT IN REF PL VAP11716 Lot D Plan VAP3355 District Lot 1374 Land District 1 Land District 36 (REF PL) These two properties currently do not have a civic address however both are adjacent to 5665 Daffodil Drive. Following the adoption of the Official Community Plan, Sterling Pacific is submitting this rezoning application to address the objectives and needs as set out in the OCP. Source: Aquila Living

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